Friday, August 17, 2012

Peach Pie

Ok I'm going to try to walk you through making a pie!  I think that pie making just takes a little practice. Once you have the crust down you can take any fruit in season and make one.  It really is that easy.  Most people think that it takes a lot of work but I really think making a pie is simple. So here's how to make a delicious crust that is sure to impress your family and friends!  Enjoy!

Peach Pie

Ingredients for crust:
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
2/3 cup shortening ( I use Crisco)
7 Tbs cold water

In a large bowl add flour and stir in your salt.  Add your Crisco
cut in shortening with a pastry blender or fork till pieces are the size of small peas.
Add your 7 Tbs COLD water
work in with fork until the dough starts to form and then gather it up with your hands.  Don't work the dough too much because it will start to melt the little morsels of Crisco and your crust will be tough not light and flaky like you want it to be!!!  You should always try to keep your hands cool.  everything should be cold when making pie crust.

Divide the dough in half (you are making a top and bottom crust for the pie)
Working quickly, you want to press the dough into discs and place on plactic wrap
Wrap up both pieces and place in the fridge until you're ready to roll them out...
You are now ready to prepare your fruit and in this pie we are using PEACHES!  Yay!

Ingredients for Peach Pie:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees

 6-8 medium size peaches
1 to 1 1/4 cups sugar
3 heaping Tbs flour
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg or cinnamon
dash a salt
2 Tbs butter
sugar to sprinkle on top crust (about a Tbs)

To prepare the peaches you need to remove the skins.  I find it pretty easy to get a pot of water boiling and drop the peaches in the water for about a min.
This helps to loosen the skins. In fact they just slip right off of them.  Drain your peaches in a colander and remove the skins
Now slice your peaches up and place in a large bowl
Add your sugar, flour, salt and nutmeg or cinnamon (or both if you like spices)
stir together and you are ready to begin making your crust (isn't this fun?)
Prepare a work surface.  You'll need something flat to roll out your dough on.  I use a large cutting board.  Generously flour the surface and your rolling pin. Just roll your rolling pin in the flour on your board.
 Taking your dough out of the fridge ( if the dough is too hard you'll need to let it sit out for a few minutes) place your flat disc in the flour and turn over so that both sides have flour on them and begin rolling out your dough, working from the center and pressing harder on your rolling pin in the center as you roll out to the edges.  If the dough gets sticky I flip over the dough and add more flour.  keep rolling in different directions until you have the dough rolled out in a circle a little larger that your 9-10 inch pie pan.  I like to have at least 1-2 inches over hanging.
Fold the crust in half to make it easier to place in the pie pan
Place in the pie pan
unfold and fit into the pan making sure you do not stretch the dough tight in bottom make sure you are gentle with the dough and do not over work.  You really want to work with the dough as quickly as possible but if this is your first time making pie crust you'll need to be patient.
Fill the pie with your yummy peaches
Dot with butter

Now roll out your top crust the same as you did the bottom crust... By this time you should be a pro at rolling it out ( just kidding! )
Again roll in half
and place the top crust on your pie
You will need to trim it up a bit or maybe you're a champ at making crust and you have it to the exact size but I usually need to trim up the edges so that both the top and bottom crust has about a 1to 1 1/2 inch over hang.
now you are going to roll that top under the bottom and kind of roll it under so that you seal the edges together
Crimp the edges however you like.  I use my thump and index finger to pinch it together.
Cut slits in the pie to vent the steam.  I have been into making smiley faces lately! 
Now sprinkle the top with a little sugar
Place in a preheated 400 degree oven for 45-50 mins
take out and let sit on a rack until ready to serve warm or room temp.  I hope you have had as much fun as I have!  Enjoy!

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